Health & Personal Development
Via Telephone Sessions Worldwide.
Since 2005 We Have Worked Purely
Through Recommendations

Incurable Cancer, Brain, Bone, Bowel, Breast, Colon, Intestinal, Liver & Bone, Melanoma,
Oesophagus, Ovarian, Lung, Parotid/Lung, Dog with Nasal Tumour
Incurable Cancer
I was told I had incurable cancer at the Royal Marsden Hospital. For several years I had been treated for a melanoma in my left eye and after a two year period of remission the cancer had returned in my eye plus it had metastasised into my lymph glands where there were two two tumours in my neck. It was decided to try a course of immunotherapy , which after five treatments spaced a month apart, proved to be ineffective and was there fore discontinued. The cancer in my eye had advanced to the extent it could be clearly seen and the two tumours had grown as well. In April of 2019 I started treatment over the telephone from Les and Janet with the aim of giving me the energy and strength to withstand whatever came next.... which was surgery to completely remove the eye and the two tumours. I cannot begin to express my gratitude and respect for these remarkable people. I won’t use the words miracle or magical . They possess an extraordinary gift which I should think very few people have... it is as powerful as it is mysterious and it is best not to try to analyse it but simply accept it. Through out the months leading up to my surgery , during the time when I was receiving immunotherapy and the long period of recovery from surgery which took place on October 7 , Les and Janet supported me through healing from the telephone several times a week. At times I experienced what I can only describe as very powerful and unmistakable and prolonged sensations , both visual and physical and very very real. I am not a religious or a very spiritual person and am not susceptible to strange, other worldly sorts of things . In othe words, there is no question of my having imagined these experiences. On December the 6th, three months after my surgery I had an MRI and a CT scan at the Marsden. The next day, December 7th I had the results of these tests. I am entirely free of cancer, there is not a trace of it anywhere in my body. `Obviously I attribute a lot of this to the excellent treatment I have received from the Marsden but a great deal to the extraordinary and I believe, quite unique powers, which Les and Janet Greve possess and of which I am a very fortunate recipient. I am continuing to receive healing from them as the sense of well being and energy I feel during and after our sessions is invaluable and I am sure is instrumental in keeping the cancer at bay for a long long time.
Jean Harvey (London)
Breast Cancer
I have been on an amazing five year journey of self discovery, along with the help of many talented and knowledgeable alternative health practitioners, I am now completely free of cancer. One of my long-term unwavering therapists has been Les Greve. He has supported me through every high and low during my recovery, and has always been there for me unconditionally. I have refused all the conventional NHS medical procedures and have done this purely with a range of natural holistic health treatments. At times it has been frightening and lonely, but Les has helped me to look at life differently so I am no longer a victim. I am not sure I could have cured myself of cancer without the incredible support and kindness that Les has shown me. And now my life just seems to get better and better.
Jane (Devon)
Lung Tumour
"My last two scans showed Dramatic improvements"
"I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in January 2020, this news came as a tremendous shock to me as I had been unaware that anything was wrong with me until this time.
I was just over seventy years old and I had always been reasonably healthy and had never been required to take any medication prior to this diagnosis.
I had the added worry of how I was going to look after my husband who is over eighty and disabled, as I am his carer. The consultant who gave me this life changing news was extremely negative and told me that he considered that not only would I not be able to look after my husband I would probably need help looking after myself.
I had an operation at the end of January to reflate my lung as it had collapsed, and I came home feeling absolutely drained of energy. I was told I needed to rest for a few weeks and could not drive for several weeks. My family rallied round to help with shopping and housework, and I managed to cook for us, I was doing my utmost to stay positive; I am usually of a cheerful disposition, but I was really struggling to cope with everything.
It was at this point I contacted Les, he had previously been a neighbour and friend, I asked if he could help me, I had every confidence that he could help me and that he would.
Les has helped me tremendously in staying positive during this last year and has always been there for me, if I have a difficult day, I know I can count on Les to give me the strength to overcome it.
I started treatment, in the form of Chemotherapy tablet at the end of February, the results to date have seen an improvement with each scan, much better than expected.
I do all my own housework, cooking and baking, I have plenty of energy and I look after my husband, Les has kept me positive and helped me deal with the isolation of shielding during this dreadful pandemic".
Jane Watson, Ruislip
Brain Tumour
"In 2013 we were devastated when our beautiful eight year old girl was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. As parents all we could do was hold her hand as she battled her way with remarkable courage and resilience through surgeries and an intensive course of both chemo and radiotherapy. After all this the doctors were still very concerned about her scan results. We knew that she could not have any further treatment and found ourselves in a very dark place.
In May 2014 we were introduced via a relative to Les. Working with Les our panic and worry subsided and we were able to feel a calmness and an optimism we hadn’t had for a while. He worked on healing our little girl but also helped us remain positive whilst waiting for her scan results. When the results came in we were so relieved to hear that the cancer was in remission.
We are now working with Les to help our little girl recover and regain her strength from the various treatments. We feel blessed to have this help on our side.
There are more things on heaven and earth than we can possibly understand and we can never thank Les enough for what he has done and continues to do for our family".
Debbie (Surrey)
Bowel Cancer
"Les (Saint Les, as I call him to all my family and friends!) came into my life almost exactly a year ago, just after I'd had cancer surgery and was begged by a friend to turn to him (and I constantly call down blessings on her). He's been regularly "working on" me since then, and he has helped me, the most sceptical of people, to a place I never thought I could reach, where I am serene, contented, and feeling truly blessed.
My cancer had reached an advanced stage and they thought I would only survive just a few more months. Recently I completed a course of palliative chemotherapy, which Les guided and supported me through. I am sure he has enabled me to tolerate the therapy, although the doctors were not sure I'd be able to, due to my age, but I have gained such strength from Les, that I made it without too much difficulty. And my latest scan shows my cancer to be in remission, and I feel remarkably good.
Les's generous and gentle. yet powerful, personality, and his amazing gifts, such as his capacity to transfer positive energy into me. Les has transformed me, from being in pain, bitter, resentful and self-pitying, into a time of tranquillity, acceptance, and joy in the beauty of life and in a new feeling of self-worth. I have gained a deep appreciation of the wonderful friendship that is enveloping me from all sides, and everyone is astounded that I am so happy, philosophical and free of fear.
Les has made me understand that it's not the length of one’s life that is important, but the quality of that life. And that is a gift beyond compare"
Eileen Mitchell (NW London)
Bone Cancer
"Following breast cancer I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I found myself in constant pain in spite of taking chemo and dozens of painkillers on a daily basis. My movement was greatly restricted and I ate next to nothing. I felt I had no hope, especially as the pain I experienced was so bad that I actually chose my coffin.
I started treatment with Les in February. By March my mobility was restored and I decided to take myself off chemo and all painkillers without any adverse effects. By April I could walk in high heels and drive my car which gives me so much pleasure. My quality of life has returned and I am so grateful for a second chance"
Janet (Hazlemere)
Breast Cancer
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 ½ years ago, and I refused all conventional cancer treatment. I only have scans to monitor my condition. I have chosen to follow my own alternative holistic cancer treatment programme, and managed to keep the cancer ‘at bay’. It had neither got worse nor significantly better. However I did reach quite a low point as I still had the lump and so desperately wanted to free myself of the cancer completely. I was highly recommended to contact Les, to receive healing. From the very first session with Les, my mood lifted almost instantly. I have received healing twice a week, from Les for the past 2 months and the recent change in me has been amazing. My husband, many friends and even the team at the hospital have all commented on the dramatic change in my whole demeanour. My recent scan shows that my condition is stable but more interestingly I am finding it difficult to find the lump in my breast.
My breast cancer consultant recently wrote about me “She is feeling very positive at the moment which is fantastic and therefore I think we should leave things as they are and if she ever becomes ready to follow our more conventional path in terms of surgical treatment as adjunct to her complimentary therapies I would be very happy to discuss this further with her. We have come to the conclusion that I will see her in 6 months time.”
I am feeling so positive and excited about the future. I have always wanted to explore my creativity but never felt confident or brave enough to do so. I have just found the perfect music tutor for me and now want to write my own songs & perform on stage".
Jo Knight (Cornwall)
Breast Cancer
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2010 and at first I didn’t contact Les who is a personal friend. However early in March while I was still waiting for the day I would undergo a mastectomy, I was told by my consultant that a recent MRI had revealed a shadow on my sternum. I had to undergo further tests and then wait for two weeks for the results to know if I had secondary bone cancer. Up to that point my partner and I had been feeling strong and positive about the breast cancer diagnosis but this news was a terrible blow to our moral and we crumbled. The day after receiving this news I went to work (I am a teacher), leaving my partner at home. We both felt dreadful that day and as I struggled through the morning at school Sophie was crying her heart out at home. At lunch time she called Les and poured out our story to him. I came home in the afternoon and was immediately amazed at the difference I found in Sophie’s face and demeanour. She was shining! I asked her what had happened to her; she looked so different and she told me she had phoned Les and that he would be phoning me in the morning. Over the next two weeks as we waited for the results, Les worked remotely with us both and from the outset we felt our spirits lifted and a sense of strength and positivity completely overwhelm us. Les reassured us that the doctors would find nothing on the images of my sternum, that he could see it shining bright. And of course Les was right: the results of the MRI on my sternum and subsequent CT scan of my abdomen and a full bone scan all came back negative. After my mastectomy at the end of March 2010 I was told that the tumours in my left breast were much smaller than they had been when measured on the first MRI of my breasts at the beginning of March. Then the size was 3.8cm in diameter and was a grade 2. The post-operative report stated that the tumour was 1.4cm in size and a grade 1. Les had worked on me in between scans and before I had any medical treatment and I am sure that he is responsible for this change. We both know what a difference he made to us and we are incredibly grateful and lucky that he touched our lives in this way. Thank you, our wonderful healing Wizard!"
Anne Beresford (Surrey)
Colon Cancer
"After several visits to the doctor and hospital, I underwent a colonoscopy procedure, a CT scan then another colonoscopy procedure, after which I was diagnosed with cancer of the colon on 17th July 2006. I was told that I would need surgery to remove the 5.3 cm tumour, would need to wear a temporary bag and would need chemotherapy and possibly radiotherapy subsequently. Les visited on 20th July and I had decided not to say anything about the diagnosis at this stage, only that I had tummy pains. He spent a little while working his ‘magic’ on me and told me that I had a blockage somewhere and was trying to clear it for me!! On the 7th August I told all my family about the cancer and they were all understandably shocked. Les performed a few more ‘magic’ treatments on me before the surgery date. On Friday 25th August I had an operation to remove the offending tumour and to my delight, a temporary bag was not necessary. I had also been told that the recovery period would be 15 days, I was in fact discharged from hospital after 8 days. On Wednesday 11th October I was informed by the surgeon that I didn’t need chemotherapy or radiotherapy as the tumour had been completely removed. I do believe that Les’s ‘magic’ had reduced the size of the tumour before the surgery. After the staples had been removed, my tummy was quite tender which prevented me from attending my aerobic classes. Again Les performed his ‘magic’ and by Wednesday 15th November, I was able to resume my aerobic classes. For the last five years I have had annual blood tests and bi-annual colonoscopies and scans – with no recurring problems. Les has continued to help me through the emotional and post-op trauma, for which I will be eternally grateful. On Thursday 27th October 2011, I was discharged from the hospital completely.
Les worked on me before I was given any form of medical treatment and I seemed to surprise everyone by my speed of recovery”."
Jane (Swindon)
Intestinal Cancer
"When I first met Les in June 2006, I had severe intestinal cancer and most of my insides were taken away. I was in continuous pain and my energy levels were non-existent and I was unable to walk far. Les changed all that for me in just a short time. I am now free of pain and have so much energy that my family have to tell me to slow down. Les has been there for me and given me back my quality of life. I have been told recently by the hospital that I am officially doing well"
Christine Barlow (Rickmansworth)
Liver and Bone Cancer
"I was diagnosed with secondary liver and bone cancer and was recommended to see Les in June 2007. I felt immediate relief from my pain and my face colour changed from ash grey to normal. By July I was able to ride my horse again and my hair started to grow back in spite of being under chemo. In September they told me I was in partial remission and were very pleased with my progress. By October I was able to take part in a dressage competition coming fifth out of thirty competitors. In November I was fit enough to do a sponsored parachute jump, from 12,000 feet up, at 150mph, for Cancer Research. That was something I would never have dreamed of doing before. I am just over the moon at my progress.
The most remarkable thing about my treatment is that I have only visited Les three times; he has been sending me healing since. My progress has been phenomenal in such a short time especially as the doctors gave me no hope. Also, during periods that I felt bad, I could phone or text him and he would send me "remote healing" straightaway. My trust in his ability is without question"
Caroline Dinnie (Bucks)
Melanoma - Cancer
"In December 2008 I had an emergency operation on my bowel to remove two tumours which subsequently turned out to be melanoma. There had been no clear Primary site and while I recovered well from the surgery, it was very hard to come to terms with the knowledge that I had a disease that was notorious for being unpredictable. In other words I could live for years without recurrence but on the other hand……… I don’t want to think about this alternative. I have since had three more operations to try to remove a less accessible tumour. The most recent was in July 2010 and this was successful. While I was recovering I began to feel that I needed more support and Les was recommended to me. I don’t really know how it works but my Remote Energy Therapy sessions with Les have led to me feeling happy, energetic and more able to cope. He is helping me to enjoy every aspect of the life that I have now, to look forward and to focus on healing myself through truly positive thought. My recent scan was clear and my Consultant tells me that he is ‘chuffed’ with my progress. While I know that I have my medical team to thank for currently being clear of tumours, I have Les to thank for healing my mind and for providing my body with the additional repairs that will keep me well and hopefully glowing with good health in the future. Les is confident that all is well and with all that he has taught me, I certainly aim to keep it that way. I would recommend Les; I believe that I have been really lucky to have experienced Remote Energy Therapy but most especially through Les Greve"
Hilary (Hampshire)
Oesophagus Cancer
"In the autumn of 2008 I was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus. I was of course very distressed and more so when I was denied an operation because of other medical problems. Les helped me through these traumatic times and when I was sent for radical chemotherapy/radiotherapy which I was warned was so intense many people were unable to continue, he helped to give me the confidence to undertake the complete treatment and since then I have had various scans which show no cancer cells. He helped me to approach these sessions and my family were amazed at what they described as my bravery in the way I faced up to many very unpleasant experiences. I am not a very communicative person but found it a pleasure to talk to Les and the calming effect he had on me has helped me through what has probably been the most unpleasant part of my 80 years".
Alan Agness (Sandwich, Kent).......
Parotid / Lung cancer
"I was diagnosed with parotid cancer and in January 2014 was informed that it had spread to my lungs. Chemotherapy was not effective in reducing these tumours and it was stopped in March. My next scan in May showed the tumours had grown.
In August I began to receive healing from Les twice a week and the result from my last scan in September was the best news, the tumours growth had halted. I am still receiving healing from Les and feel positive that the outcome of my next scan in November will be even better.
After each healing session I always feel light and positive and would recommend healing to anyone who is in need of help"
My most recent scan confirmed again that everything is stable. The medical team were a little surprised as I haven’t had chemo since March 2014 and now I have no symptoms. Last year they didn’t give me much hope of recovery and I never expected to see out Christmas. Now I feel great with a renewed vigour for life with an expectation of a better future”.
Carole Henderson (London)
Dog with Nasal Tumour
"I contacted Les when I found out that my elderly rescue dog had developed an aggressive nasal tumour and I felt that I wanted to give George a better chance to deal with this horrible diagnosis. I didn’t even know if Les would be able to help or might consider it strange. He treated George through working with me. It seemed too easy the way Les explained it- but it worked! My dog had intensive radiotherapy for 5 sessions and I was told its limitations. Six weeks after the last session, we returned for the final MRI. The specialist vet reported how the results were better than expected and repeatedly described them as “impressive”. Les told me that George would have good results and he was right. The tumour had disappeared from view giving George a much better future. Whilst being treated people who know George remarked on the quality of his coat, and he was definitely more relaxed and stopped raiding the bins in the park for food, a daily habit. I would have no hesitation in recommending this treatment for any pet. We still have George’s company because of Les’s remarkable gift, and can’t thank him enough"
Chris Munroe (North West London)